Funding for Provides $15.3 Million in Home Improvement Now Open

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) announced the grand opening of the Home Repair and Accessibility Program (HRAP) designed to assist low-income and very low-income homeowners with health, safety, accessibility, and energy efficiency repairs to their homes. HRAP will provide $15.3 million to preserve existing affordable housing stock, provide investment in underserved communities, improve the health and well-being of occupants, and help people with disabilities stay in their homes and communities. Eligible homeowners may receive up to $45,000 to cover necessary repairs through a five-year, forgivable loan. HRAP will be administered locally through 36 local government and nonprofit organizations with experience operating and administering homeowner rehabilitation assistance programs. To be eligible, homeowners must be at-or-below 80 percent of the Area Median Income based on household size, current on their mortgage payments, and the property must be single-family. Properties eligible for rehabilitation must have documented health and safety issues or concerns, such as mechanical, electrical, structural or plumbing that undermine the integrity of the home. Properties eligible for accessibility must require accessibility improvements to assist an occupant with a disability or mobility impairment. Households can apply for HRAP grants by contacting one of the funded organizations that serves their community. These organizations will provide more information on eligibility and the application process. Contact information for each organization is available on IHDA’s website,

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