The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) named Briana Morales, an English teacher at Gordon Bush Alternative Center in East St. Louis School District 189, as the 2023 Illinois Teacher of the Year. State Superintendent of Education Dr. Tony Sanders, District 189 Superintendent Arthur R. Culver, and Gordon Bush Alternative Center Principal Darnell Spencer surprised Morales with the announcement at her school. As the 2023 Illinois Teacher of the Year, Morales will share her knowledge and expertise with an even larger audience via an ambassadorship beginning in July. State funding will enable Morales to take a one-year sabbatical and will provide a novice teacher with the opportunity to teach in her place under her expert guidance. Morales will represent Illinois on the national stage in the National Teacher of the Year program sponsored by the Council of Chief State School Officers. “Growing up navigating complex and ever-changing life circumstances, I came to realize that the most memorable educators I had in school were those who bravely shared their own truths and lived experiences in a way that allowed me to feel a sense of connection and belonging as well as hope for my own lived experience,” said 2023 Illinois Teacher of the Year Briana Morales in her nomination materials. “Placing authentic connections at the center of teaching and learning leads to a more humanizing educational experience for all and can provide opportunities for healing.” Morales equips her students with skills and provides opportunities to continue the healing process in their own communities.
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