City Colleges of Chicago Star Scholars earning their associate degree in the 2022-23 school year will take part in a Cording Ceremony on Thursday, April 20, from 6pm to 8pm at Malcolm X College, 1900 West Jackson Street in Chicago. During the Cording Ceremony, City Colleges leadership will present the royal blue cords that the Star Scholars will wear to the City Colleges Commencement ceremony in May. More than a hundred Star Scholars will be in attendance along with their families, City Colleges of Chicago leaders, faculty and staff. The Star Scholarship is a last-dollar scholarship that covers up to three years at City Colleges for tuition and books, after the application of financial aid. Students qualify for the Star Scholarship if they graduate from a Chicago Public School or Big Shoulder Fund partner high school with at least a 3.0 GPA. This academic year, about 973 students are expected to graduate as Star Scholars. More than half (58%) of Star Scholars go on to transfer within two years to a four-university. The top transfer universities for Star Scholars include: Chicago State University, Oak Point University, University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU), and DePaul University. To learn more about the Star Scholar program, visit
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