Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CEO Pedro Martinez, City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) Chancellor Juan Salgado, school administrators and families came together to recognize the growing number of CPS graduates who are leaving high school with a diploma as well as transferable college credits, up to and including an associate degree. Approximately 5,000 CPS Class of 2023 graduates earned nearly 40,000 total college credits from CCC while still in high school, saving an estimated $5.8 million in total projected college tuition costs. Tuesday’s ceremony was celebrated in the gym at Malcolm X College where more than 600 seniors from 69 CPS high schools received a ceremonial blue cord, which can be worn during a student’s graduation ceremony, for earning 15 or more college credits during their junior and senior years, the equivalent of one semester in college. CPS and CCC began offering early college courses, also called dual credit or dual enrollment, more than a decade ago and have continued expanding these opportunities throughout the city while forming a unique partnership known as The Chicago Roadmap. The initiative provides access to high-quality programs, advising and supports, career exploration and preparedness in an effort to equitably increase student outcomes in college enrollment, college degree attainment, and employment. CCC works with individual high school teachers to ensure lessons meet the same standards as courses taken at a CCC campus. Dual enrollment courses are taught at City Colleges of Chicago by CCC faculty.
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