Bloomberg Philanthropies Recognizes the University of Chicago as Leader in College Access, Success for Lower-Income Students

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Bloomberg Philanthropies recognized the University of Chicago as an American Talent Initiative (ATI) High-Flier, a group of 28 high-graduation-rate institutions that are national leaders in college access and success for lower-income students. UChicago received the distinction for its steady gains in lower-income student enrollment since 2015-16, and innovative recruitment, enrollment, and retention practices. Over the next year, ATI and Bloomberg Philanthropies will work with High-Fliers to amplify what they have learned to other four-year colleges and universities across the nation. An initiative led by Bloomberg Philanthropies in partnership with Aspen Institute’s College Excellence Program and Ithaka S+R, ATI serves as a growing nationwide alliance of high-graduation-rate colleges and universities grounded in the belief that they can collectively expand access for tens of thousands of high-achieving, lower-income students. By doing so, these institutions are increasing socioeconomic diversity within their respective student communities. Since ATI’s launch in 2016, UChicago has been one of the top three growers in Pell enrollment among its 137 peers.  For more information on ATI and Bloomberg Philanthropies’ other initiatives to expand college access and success, please visit:

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