As a result of an unprecedented parent and student-led partnership with Chicago Public Schools, the Board of Education approved a $3.9 million allocation to support community-centered and holistic safety solutions in the 39 schools that have reduced or eliminated their reliance on school resource officers. A collaboration with community partners will implement safety programming and staff as part of the District’s comprehensive Whole School Safety Plan. During the past three years, the District’s Whole School Safety steering committee, composed of community-led groups, has worked with individual high schools to deepen their engagement with students, parents, staff and the community on issues of school safety and well-being. As part of the Whole School Safety process, these schools have considered how to improve or replace the school resource officer programs. Most recently, the Local School Council at Marshall Metro High School voted to remove its one remaining school resource officer and Austin College & Career Academy High School’s LSC voted to move from two SROs to one SRO. The funding that would have been used on the SROs at those schools will be invested in staffing and programming that supports the climate and culture for students and staff. New staffing positions may include, for example, a climate and culture coordinator, youth intervention specialist or school social-service assistant, dedicated to developing positive supportive relationships and resources that enhance student and staff safety and well-being. Individuals and organizations interested in joining the District-wide Whole School Safety Plan Steering Committee in support of the implementation of the CPS Whole School Safety Plan approach, can contact Kevin Lilly via email at
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Chicago Air and Water Show
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Cultura Latina
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Dream Act
Dream Act chicago
Dream Relief
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El Alma de la Fiesta
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‘El Chente’