Chicago’s fourth-generation family business, Banner Wholesale Grocers, is proudly sponsoring Chicago Parks Foundation (CPF) inaugural Run for the Parks! 5K Run, Walk, or Roll which welcomes Chicagoans of all ages and skill levels to run, walk, or roll along the iconic Lakefront Trail at Burnham Park (3100 S. DuSable Lake Shore Drive), Sunday, September 10, from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. This new annual event celebrates Chicago Parks Foundation’s 10th year of helping communities raise funds for their park projects and programs. The timed out-and-back Run for the Parks! 5K Run, Walk, or Roll course starts and finishes just south of 31st Street Beach on the Lakefront Trail within Burnham Park. The 3.12-mile-long course welcomes runners, walkers, and manual wheelchairs; it is not suited for bicycles, handcycles, or rollerblades. And to accommodate those with accessibility needs, the Chicago Parks Foundation is thrilled to partner with Achilles International Chicago. Banner Wholesale Grocers, a fourth-generation Chicago family business specializing in American and Hispanic products for the independent grocer since 1926 is honored to sponsor the Chicago Parks Foundation. Registration for the Run for the Parks! 5K Run, Walk, or Roll is now underway: $40 entry fee, which includes a commemorative t-shirt and post-party ticket; $20 for the post-party only. Children under the age of 12 are invited to attend the post-race party for free. Spectators welcome. For more information and registration, visit
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