On Thursday, July 20th during the Cook County Board of Commissioners meeting, Cook County Commissioner Frank J. Aguilar (16th) introduced a property tax credit for uninsured and underinsured homeowners who experience damages due to storms and flooding. The ordinance moved forward to the Finance Subcommittee, where it will undergo further discussion and evaluation. Flooding and flood mitigation are significant issues in Cook County that plague thousands of residents every year. The ordinance is aimed to provide relief to Cook County property owners, who otherwise would be forced to incur and expend unforeseen costs due to storm damage. In an effort to alleviate part of the financial burden to Cook County residents and businesses caused by catastrophic storm water, the ordinance would establish a real Property Tax Credit Program for disaster relief. The Relief Program will allow property owners who undertake certain types of storm damage repairs or remediation to submit provable evidence of the costs of the repairs to Cook County, which, if approved, would allow for a real property tax credit in the amount of the provable repairs. Municipalities that wish to participate must submit their request to Cook County within 30 calendar days of the declaration of a disaster. If municipalities do not pass, approve, and submit an ordinance or resolution electing to participate in the Relief Program to Cook County within 30 calendar days of the passage and approval of this ordinance, such municipalities will be ineligible to participate in the Relief Program for this disaster.
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