Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton celebrates the newly signed Senate Bill 646 that creates the Healing Centered Task Force, signed by Governor JB Pritzker. The Lieutenant Governor will chair the Task Force as a driver of transformative change and help create a more equitable Illinois. “The new Healing Centered Task Force will ensure Illinoisans who have experienced trauma can get the support that they need,” said Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton. “Overseeing the Justice, Opportunity, and Equity Initiative housed in my office, I am committed to the collaborative work to foster healing mechanisms for communities to thrive. Senate Bill 646 is a testament to our mission of joining forces to repair intergenerational harm, and I thank Governor Pritzker and the General Assembly for their support to create this Task Force that will benefit all residents.” The Healing Centered Task Force in Illinois created by SB 646 will develop recommendations to bring more cohesion, coordination, and consistency to this important and transformative work. This Task Force is a result of the collaborative work of Governor JB Pritzker, the General Assembly, and advocacy groups such as the Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative, Health and Medicine Policy Research Group, Illinois Childhood Trauma Coalition, and the Center for Childhood Resilience, among others. The goal of the Task Force will be to design a state-level comprehensive and equitable strategy for addressing and supporting communities who have experienced trauma.
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