With National Breast Cancer Awareness Month underway across the country, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is reminding the public that early detection is the most effective way to prevent the deadly disease. The Governor has issued a proclamation declaring October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and October 20 as Mammography Day in Illinois. However public health officials are urging Illinoisans not to wait and to schedule a comprehensive exam as soon as possible. Risk factors for breast cancer include older age, a family history of breast or ovarian cancer and having dense breasts. Dense breasts are seen in half of woman over 40 and the density can make it harder for small cancers to show up on a mammogram. Women are urged to consult with their health care provider about their risk factors and whether additional breast cancer screening is warranted. For those who are uninsured or underinsured, IDPH operates the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP) which offers free breast exams and mammograms. The program also assists with treatment options. To enroll in IBCCP, call the Women’s Health Line 888-522-1282 (800-547-0466 TTY).
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