The Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) will host the 2023 Business EXPO Make the Connection!TM on Thursday, Oct. 19th at Navy Pier in Chicago. The EXPO continues to be one of the nation’s premier events, highlighting businesses of all sizes and industries, especially Latino-owned businesses. This single-day event is intended to help business owners establish relationships with leaders from the corporate sector and government agencies. The Expo will showcase networking with high-profile business leaders, an opening breakfast with Illinois’ most influential decision-makers, business workshops, procurement matchmaking sessions, and free resources. Except for the opening breakfast, all the events are free and open to the public. Registration is required. IHCC will host an opening breakfast, from 8 am to 10 am that will have several speakers, including Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs, and keynote speaker Rosa Santana, founder and CEO of Santana Group, a Tier 1 supplier for TOYOTA, whose story is an example of perseverance and hard work of a Latina businesswoman. The exhibit floor is open to the public at no cost. All attendees must register at
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