Did your property tax assessment go up? Berwyn’s proposed Assessments are rising 36 percent and Cicero’s 52 percent. You can appeal your new assessment or ask for a reduction for flooding damage with the Cook County Board of Review only until October 17th. The Board of Review is open for filing for Berwyn, Cicero and Riverside taxpayers. Cook County Board of Review (BOR) Commissioner George Cardenas has added a last chance Assessment and Flooding Appeal workshop on Saturday, Oct.14th. Taxpayers may appeal their assessment for free with the BOR every year. The BOR independently hears assessment appeals and has the authority to change assessments as a check and balance to the Cook County Assessor’s Office. The workshop will be held at Cicero Community Center Room 103 (2250 s 49th Ave) 10-12 Saturday October 14th and will let homeowners appeal their property assessment and flooding damage and potentially lower their property tax bills. For tax year 2021, 537,000 of Cook County’s 1.8 million Property Index Numbers (PINs) were appealed and 51 percent of individual residential filers saw reductions in their assessments. The only requirement for a taxpayer to appeal a property assessment is a completed complaint form filed before the township appeal period closes. Taxpayers will also have the option of filing a complaint online at www.CookCountyBoardofReview.com.
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