The Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) announced an innovative reentry initiative designed to support the critical housing needs for individuals exiting incarceration. The SPRING Forward (Selected Pre-Release for Intensive Navigation support Going Forward) program aims at providing comprehensive support for individuals reentering society after periods of incarceration, including extensive housing and employment navigation. This pioneering initiative underscores the city’s commitment to rehabilitation, community reintegration, and reducing recidivism rates. SPRING Forward focuses on a two-part approach to reentry success: employment and housing. Through this collaborative approach, lead Program Administrators Cara Collective and Lawndale Christian Legal Center, alongside DFSS, will work to provide employment and housing navigation services to residents released from Cook County Department of Corrections and the Illinois Department of Corrections. Individuals recently released within 18 months are eligible to apply. Eligible applicants must also be 18 years or older, reside in Chicago, or returning to Chicago, and face housing insecurity, such as the possibility of homelessness or uncertain housing options. Applicants begin by contacting Cara Collective’s SPRING Forward hotline at (312) 798-3310. Cara Collective will start by helping secure employment and provide a base of support for participants of SPRING Forward. Once enrolled in employment services with Cara Collective, Lawndale Christian Legal Center (LCLC) will lead the housing navigation by facilitating access to reasonably priced housing and housing-supportive services to stabilize residents and mitigate the risk of recidivism. For more information, contact the SPRING Forward hotline (312) 798-3310.
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