A coalition of business groups and small business owners are urging the City Council to reject the current Chicago paid leave proposal that would affect businesses and non-profits of every size and sector across the city. Businesses understand that access to paid time off is crucial for workers and their families which is why we reached agreement earlier this year on the current state-wide law of 5-days and made repeated efforts to negotiate in good faith to reach a compromise on a paid leave policy that is fair and balanced for both workers and businesses. However, the proposal currently before City Council ignores the concerns of the business community and will instead put in place the most expensive and complicated form of paid leave in the country. The proposal is opposed by the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce, Hospitality Business Association of Chicago, Illinois Health and Hospitals Association, Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association, Illinois Manufacturers’ Association, Illinois Restaurant Association, Illinois Retail Merchants Association, Little Village Chamber of Commerce, Pilsen Chamber of Commerce, and the Building Owners and Managers Association of Chicago. The coalition proposed a compromise that offered the broadest paid leave policy of all major U.S. cities, doubling the amount of time off Illinois workers receive from five days to 10 days, while limiting cost increases for businesses, providing businesses the ability to ensure continuity of operations, and limiting exposure against excessive liabilities for businesses.
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