ReUp Education, a leading tech-enabled provider empowering adult learners, has announced a new partnership with Triton College, a public community college founded in River Grove, Ill. This new partnership expands on both Triton College’s and ReUp’s commitments to help stop outs and adult learners enroll and graduate as part of their journey to pursue economic and social mobility in a 21st century economy. In this partnership, ReUp will bring a unique combination of technology, data and personalized one-on-one coaching to Triton College, and support their mission of providing learners with a professional education. As of 2020, 35 percent of learners were over the age of 25, according to data from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). However, adult learners still have lower completion rates than their younger peers, often due to a wide range of barriers that include time poverty, childcare, financial constraints and more. Completing a college degree has profound impacts on social and economic mobility. Those with a degree are half as likely to be unemployed as those with a high school diploma and demonstrate significantly higher levels of happiness, health and community involvement. As part of the partnership, ReUp will also serve as an expert on adult learners for Triton College, offering institution-specific insights and strategic recommendations based on industry trends, millions of data points on adult learners and direct learner feedback. For more information, visit
Triton College Launches PEPA Academy March 6, 2025
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