Halloween may be over, but ‘tis the season for scares at Midnight Terror Haunted House in Oak Lawn, where savage Santas, eerie elves, and sinister snowmen will soon overrun the haunt during its eighth annual Christmas Fear weekend, December 15, 16, and 17. Christmas Fear allows thrill seekers to engage in an interactive holiday-themed haunted attraction and indulge in festive frights where characters like Jack Frost, Krampus, and Mr. and Mrs. Claus can be a lot more naughty than nice. Early birds who act fast can claim discounted tickets are available, in limited supply only, for only $15 each over Black Friday weekend – November 24, 25, and 26 – by visiting MidnightTerror.com. Midnight Terror Haunted House is located at 5520 W. 111th St., Oak Lawn, Ill., 60453, just east of the intersection of Central Avenue and 111th Street. General admission for Christmas Fear is $15 per person if you purchase tickets at MidnightTerror.com on November 24-26. Thereafter, a limited supply of tickets can be had online for $20 to $25. Once that ticket tier sells out, general admission will be $30 online or $35 at the on-site ticket booth. Visitors can park for no charge on-site. For more information, check out MidnightTerror.com or email info@midnightterror.com.
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