Whether those who have live Christmas trees take them down immediately after the holidays or like to enjoy them for weeks to come, the tree care experts at The Morton Arboretum recommend planning ahead for when it’s time to dispose of them. “Live trees with festive decorations brighten homes during the holiday season, but they won’t last forever,” said Spencer Campbell, the Arboretum’s Plant Clinic manager and horticulture specialist. “It’s important to dispose of the tree in a safe and appropriate way when the season is done.” Most importantly, Campbell cautioned homeowners to dispose of a tree once it shows signs of drying out to prevent it becoming a fire hazard. “Dry needles will become brittle and start to fall off, and the tree will no longer take up water,” Campbell said. He advised to never burn an evergreen tree in a fireplace or woodstove, which may cause creosote buildup that could lead to a chimney fire. Bare Christmas trees can be recycled at participating facilities. Check with local municipalities or waste management companies about tree recycling or disposal arrangements, including when and where trees will be picked up or whether they need to be brought to a recycling site, Campbell noted. Recycled trees are chipped into mulch or compost. The Arboretum’s Plant Clinic provides free advice by phone or email for those with questions about how to care for trees and plants.
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