Dominican University’s New Emmaus Ecology Initiative Looks to Activate Young People in Catholic Parishes

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

A new initiative from Dominican University aims to revive Catholic congregations by reaching—and igniting the spirits of—youth and young adults. A $1.25 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc,. through its Thriving Congregations Initiative will enable Dominican’s Office of University Ministry and its Theology and Education Departments to build the Emmaus Ecology program, a community-based support system to nurture the spiritual lives of young people and elevate them as leaders in their parishes. This will be done by leveraging resources and relationships to connect youth ministries, Catholic schools, and parishes—particularly those serving historically marginalized communities. In partnership with the Archdiocese of Chicago and in collaboration with local, regional and national partners, the program will reach beyond Dominican students as it also works to engage young people from outside the university community and encourage greater faith-based involvement—setting a foundation for others to follow in Dominican’s mission of creating a more just and humane world. The program is slated to launch in January. For more information, visit

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