January is Glaucoma Awareness Month

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Glaucoma affects over three million people in the United States and is often called the “silent thief of sight” because it robs people of vision slowly and without early symptoms. January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, a great time to emphasize the importance of regular eye check-ups for early detection of glaucoma and other eye diseases. Glaucoma damages the eye’s optic nerve. As the disease progresses, it can lead to permanent vision loss. Many misconceptions exist about glaucoma, potentially causing people to underestimate their risk. Knowing the facts and knowing that early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to preventing vision loss is essential.

Myth: People with good vision are immune to glaucoma
Most forms of glaucoma progress without any symptoms; therefore, it is crucial to have a comprehensive dilated eye exam that can detect the disease in its early stages. People with good vision may not notice symptoms until the late stages; however, early detection and treatment increase the chances of preserving vision.

Myth: Only older people get glaucoma
Although people over 60 face a higher risk of developing glaucoma, certain types of glaucoma can affect younger individuals, including children and infants.

Myth: Absence of family history means no risk of glaucoma
Glaucoma can run in families. However, it can affect anyone, including people with no family history. Regular eye screenings are essential for everyone.

Myth: I would know if I had glaucoma
During its initial stages, glaucoma typically exhibits no symptoms. Many people remain unaware that they have the condition due to the gradual nature of vision changes. Difficulties with peripheral vision may be the first symptom they notice. If left untreated, glaucoma can eventually cause permanent blindness. 

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