The Illinois Department of Transportation is advising the public that maintenance crews are out patrolling and repairing potholes on state highways and interstates across the state, requiring drivers to slow down, use caution and move over for workers. Non-emergency patching operations usually take place during nonpeak travel periods and often require temporary lane closures. Recent heavy snow, rains and freezing temperatures have caused an increase in potholes throughout the state. Potholes typically are caused by water getting into or underneath the pavement. Motorists can expect brief lane closures as required and should allow extra time for trips through areas where patching is taking place. At all times, drivers are urged to pay close attention for flaggers and signs, obey the posted speed limits and be on the alert for workers and equipment. If you encounter maintenance vehicles and workers, slow down, move over and give them space – it’s the law. IDOT is committed to patching potholes as quickly as possible. It’s a continuing operation –anytime IDOT maintenance staff are not plowing snow or treating roads at this time of year, they can be found monitoring pavement conditions and repairing potholes. To report a pothole on a state highway or interstate, call 1-800-452-IDOT(4368).
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