State Rep. Elizabeth ‘Lisa’ Hernandez, D-Cicero, announced more than $8.3 million in Monetary Award Program (MAP) grants which will help 2,109 local students afford a college education. “Too many families in my community can’t afford to send their children to college, even though they desperately want to,” Hernandez said. “Making a four-year degree more affordable is not a static issue and will require more action, but MAP grants have sent more than two thousands of our neighbors to college this past school year alone. State action to make college aspirations a reality will continue to be a priority for me, and increasing MAP funding is central to my efforts.” The new budget Hernandez worked to pass includes a major investment in college affordability, including a historic increase in funding for MAP grants. This new investment helped 2,109 local students secure a total of $8,330,521 in financial aid. “Our community is full of talented, bright students who can change the world, but the cost of college tuition continues to bar them from achieving their dreams,” Hernandez said. “I’m proud to say that not only are we changing that narrative, but we’re also making college a reality for more people than ever before. I cannot wait to see how these students shape their future.” For more information on MAP grants and ISAC opportunities, visit their website at
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