Local families would be better informed about their protection against flooding under a new law advanced by state Rep. Elizabeth ‘Lisa’ Hernandez, D-Cicero, requiring home insurers to notify policyholders of flooding insurance coverage if their purchase covers flood and sewer backup. “My community was among those most devastated by flooding last summer, and because they weren’t aware of the insurance options available to them, they faced thousands of dollars in damage and the loss of priceless family items,” Hernandez said. “My legislation will make sure that no family is left unaware of affordable insurance plans to protect them, should another flood impact their lives. Donations, fundraisers and federal assistance should not be the only forms of assistance to help families rebuild their lives from preventable and insurable disasters such as those my community experienced last summer. That’s why I am looking forward to seeing this legislation signed into law.” Hernandez championed House Bill 5357 to require insurers to disclose whether an insured person’s policy covers damage from a sewer backup or overflow from a sump pump. If it doesn’t, the insurer must offer additional coverage for damages. House Bill 5357 passed out of the House Insurance committee on Wednesday by a unanimous vote.
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