The Illinois primary election is a few days with key races, locally and nationally, on the ballot. At the tops of the ballots, Illinois voters will choose their preferred nominee for the presidential race. Statewide, all 118 members of the Illinois House of Representatives will be up for re-election along with 20 of the state’s 59 senators. In Cook County, voters will make their choices for state’s attorney, county commissioners, board of review commissioners, water reclamation district officials, clerk of circuit court, circuit court judges, and subcircuit court judges. The 2024 Illinois primary will take place on Tuesday, March 19. Polls across the state will open at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. If a voter is in line to vote by 7 p.m., they will be allowed to cast their ballot. Among the key races are Cook County State’s Attorney where candidates Clayton Harris III (D), Eileen O’Neill Burke (D), Robert W. Fioretti (R), and Andrew Charles Kopinski (L) are vying for the position. Voters will also have the opportunity to vote on the Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court among incumbent Iris Y. Martinez (D), Mariyana Spyropoulos (D), Lupe Aguirre (R), and Michael Murphy (L). Candidates for the Illinois Supreme Court for the 1st District include Jesse G. Reyes (D), and incumbent Virginia Cunningham (D). For the full list of candidates or to find your polling station, visit
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