March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is urging Illinoisans to learn more about the illness and the need for regular screenings. Colorectal cancer has a five-year survival rate of around 90 percent when detected early, but that survival rate falls to just 10 percent when the cancer is not detected in a timely fashion and spreads to other parts of the body. Regular screenings can spot early warning signs and also allow for cancer to be spotted in its earliest stages, when treatment has the best chance of success. In 2023, 6,200 new cases of colorectal cancer were diagnosed in Illinois, and more than 2,100 people lost their lives to the illness in the state last year. There are various tests that can detect signs of colorectal cancer. Determining which test would be most effective, and how often it should be conducted, involves multiple factors including the patient’s age, overall health, family history, and risk factors. Patients should consult with their health care provider to determine which screening method would be most beneficial. Regular screenings are generally recommended for persons between the ages of 45 to 75, but those under 45 who may be at high risk should also consult their medical provider about testing. To learn more about colorectal cancer and how to prevent it, go to Colorectal Cancer (
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