Chicago Teens Can Apply for After School Matters® Summer Programs

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

After School Matters’ summer session application is open, offering thousands of Chicago teens the opportunity to apply to hundreds of programs in the arts, communications and leadership, sports, and STEM. Programs begin June 24, run for six weeks, and will take place in-person at locations across the city like libraries, parks, After School Matters facilities, and community-based organizations. Teens interested in applying can visit  It’s free to participate in After School Matters programs, and teens earn money for their participation. While the amount earned varies depending on age and level of expertise, this summer teens ages 16-20 will earn $15.80/hour in alignment with the City of Chicago’s One Summer Chicago (OSC).  All After School Matters programs are free and open to Chicago high school students who are at least 14 years old by September 1, 2024. As part of the application process, teens interview with program instructors to discuss their interests. Teens are encouraged to apply early, as program opportunities fill up quickly.  For questions about programs and applications, call 312-742-4182 or email  For more information, visit

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

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