Board of Review Commissioner George Cardenas says that Cook County taxpayers can find solace in the recent announcement from the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding the final 2023 property tax equalization factor of 3.0163. This critical multiplier ensures fairness in property assessments across Illinois, reinforcing the stability and integrity of our property tax system. The equalization factor, mandated annually by state law, is a key instrument in maintaining uniformity in property assessments. It represents a meticulous comparison between actual property sales and the assessed values determined by county assessors. The 2023 figure reflects a three-year assessment period, aligning Cook County’s average assessment level to the state-required 33 1/3 percent. Cook County’s property assessments follow specific guidelines: homes, condominiums, and small apartment buildings are assessed at 10 percent of their market value, similar to vacant lots and larger residential properties. Not-for-profit entities and commercial and industrial properties are assessed at 25 percent, while incentives are in place to assess commercial or industrial development in economically struggling areas at a mere 10 percent.
Avoid Common Errors When Preparing Tax Returns March 13, 2025
St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations March 13, 2025
Artistas Adolescentes Aprenden el Valor de un Arduo Trabajo
Artists Nationwide
Brazilian Students Tour Kirie Water Reclamation Plant
Challenges of Returning to School in Adulthood
Chicago Air and Water Show
Chicago CPS
Chicago Dream Act
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Cultura Latina
Delicious Salad Meals
Dream Act
Dream Act chicago
Dream Relief
Dream Relief Chicago
El Alma de la Fiesta
Ending Summer on the Right Foot
Ensaladas sencillas y deliciosas como plato principal
Estudiantes Brasileños Recorren la Planta de Reclamación de Agua Kirie
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Festival Unísono en Pilsen
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ICIRR Receives Criticism Over Dream Relief Day
ICIRR Recibe Críticas
Jose Cuervo Tradicional
José Cuervo
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Latin Culture
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Meijer Abre sus Puertas en el Distrito de Berwyn
Meijer Opens in Berwyn District
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PepsiCo Foundation Apoya Futuros Periodistas Hispanos
PepsiCo Foundation Supports Future Hispanic Journalists
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Teen Artists Learn the Value of Hard Work
Terminando el Verano con el Pie Derecho
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‘El Chente’