Congresswoman Delia C. Ramirez’s (IL-03) first piece of legislation, H.R. 1767, the Student Veteran Benefit Restoration Act, passed the House with bipartisan support, 406 votes in favor. If passed by the Senate and signed into law, the legislation would begin the process of restoring GI Bill education benefits for student veterans who have been defrauded by an educational institution. The bipartisan H.R. 1767 moves student veterans a step closer to having a comparable restoration process to those that govern the federal benefits of non-veteran students. Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chair Mike Bost (R-IL-12), also from the Illinois delegation and who served with Congresswoman Ramirez in the Illinois General Assembly, is a co-sponsor of the legislation. Veterans’ Affairs Economic Opportunity Subcommittee Ranking Member Congressman Mike Levin (D-CA-49) is an original cosponsor of the bill. “During my first term, through my work on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I have made it a priority to advocate for equity for our veterans and to ensure they have access to every benefit and resource they rightfully earned,” said Congresswoman Ramirez. “That work includes protecting them from bad actors seeking to exploit them for their benefits. I am proud that my bill, H.R.1767, the Student Veteran Benefit Restoration Act, passed through committee and a floor vote with bipartisan support. H.R. 1767 starts the long overdue process of restoring the GI bill benefits for student veterans who were wrongfully defrauded by for-profit colleges and universities. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to take up this bill without any further delay.” H.R. 1767 is endorsed by Veterans Education Success.
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