The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has announced the start of the 2024 Healthy Illinois Survey, a statewide effort to compile essential data on the current state of health and wellness and areas where public health can be improved. Under Illinois law, IDPH is required to administer an annual survey to obtain reliable data from every county and zip code in the state, establishing a baseline of public health information to allow for progress to be tracked and measured each year. This is the first full year for the survey, following a limited pilot project in 2023. The Healthy Illinois Survey seeks to reach as many as 55,000 households this year, with a goal of at least 400 responses per county and participation from every zip code in the state. To ensure maximum participation, surveys will be conducted online, by phone, and through paper copies sent by mail. The survey will be conducted in English and Spanish. The survey will ask a variety of health-related questions, including about overall health, access to care, chronic conditions, use of tobacco and alcohol, diet and nutrition, immunization, and more. All responses will be strictly confidential, and only aggregate data will be released publicly. In another effort to encourage participation, those who are asked to take part will receive an incentive of $1 to $2 per household prior to the survey and will receive $10 upon completion of the survey. IDPH is partnering with NORC at the University of Chicago to conduct the statewide survey.
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