New Campaign Empowers Youth and Young Adults to “Unfriend” Tobacco and Flavored Vape Products

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) launched the “Unfriend Tobacco: Your Lungs, Your Rules” tobacco use prevention and cessation campaign to raise awareness among youth and young adults about the harmful effects of using flavored vape and other tobacco products. The campaign encourages individuals to make healthier lifestyle choices. The campaign is serving ads on streaming audio and social media apps and took inspiration from a concept familiar to the target audience. The now-common verb “unfriend,” was added to the Merriam Webster Dictionary in 2003, and is defined as “to remove someone from a list of designated friends on a person’s social networking website.” The campaign calls for youth and young adults to “unfriend” tobacco products to remove the physical, emotional and social impacts such products could have on their lives. In 2022, more than 2.5 million U.S. middle and high school students stated that they currently used e-cigarettes. Of those, 85 percent used flavored products, which play a key role in attracting youth to start using vape products and increase the likelihood they will become regular smokers. More than 480,000 Americans and over 18,000 Illinoisans die from tobacco-related illnesses every year. Join the community that’s breathing easier and living better, every day. Visit, call 1-866-QUIT-YES or text “Start my Quit” to 36072 for info and support.

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