Summer is just around the corner, and while travel plans may vary, one thing remains constant: the need to wear your seat belt. With this in mind, Chief Michael D. Cimaglia announced that now through Memorial Day weekend it is stepping up enforcement efforts to remind motorists to “Click It or Ticket.” “Whether you’re driving around the corner or across the nation, remember to buckle up every time,” said Chief Cimaglia. “The ‘Click It or Ticket’ effort is about preserving lives. We want seat belt use to be second nature for all drivers and passengers.” The consequences of not wearing or improperly wearing a seat belt are clear. In 2022, Illinois had 300 fatalities involving unrestrained passengers. Seat belts only save lives when they are used. Unfortunately, some still don’t like to buckle up. Nationally, it is estimated that 91.9 percent of people use seat belts, while Illinois boasts a 93 percent seat belt compliance rate. The simple click of a seat belt can limit injury or save your life during a crash. Remember to “Click It or Ticket” day and night, every trip every time. The “Click It or Ticket” campaign is funded with federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
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