As Chicago Public Schools’ students enjoy another week of summer vacation, officials are reminding families and students of the many summer reading and literacy programs and resources across the city. Opening a book is another way to keep minds open and ready to learn when school resumes on August 26th. The CPS Department of Literacy is committed to supporting teachers and schools in providing literacy instruction to every CPS student that builds on students’ lived experiences, capitalizes on their cultural and linguistic assets, and requires students to reason deeply and problem solve creatively. The District’s libraries team offers a collection of high quality resources via the Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Digital Learning. The collection of materials, which can be found at, includes over 10,000 high-quality, culturally relevant e-books for all ages, as well as subscription databases for non-fiction reading, including Britannica Encyclopedia Online, Pebble Go for early learners, and Gale In Context for news articles and other current events topics. Registration is still open and can be found on the CPS website. Other citywide summer literacy events include the Third Annual Words of Wonder (W.O.W.) Literary Festival, organized by Chicago non-profit organization, Burst Into Books, which will be held on Saturday, July 27 at Gately Park. Families can register for a fun-filled day of interactive literacy and art programming, storytelling and workshops by nationally-known authors and illustrators, along with a wide range of performances, giveaways, and more.
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