Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), local officials and IRONMAN leadership announced that Rockford will host the IRONMAN 70.3 triathlon beginning next year in 2025 through 2027. Supported by an $800,000 grant to the Rockford Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (Go Rockford) as part of the state’s $15 million Tourism Incentive Grant Program, this is the first time the IRONMAN will be held in Illinois. The race is expected to generate upwards of $45 million in economic impact over three years. The triathlon will consist of a 1.2-mile swim on the Rock River, a 56-mile bike loop that takes athletes through the area north of Rockford and a 13.1-mile run that will take runners from Davis Park on a two-loop journey on the east and west banks of the Rock River. The event is expected to draw in nearly 3,000 athletes and 15,000 visitors during each race. The race is also expected to fill an estimated 7,000-12,000 hotel room nights. The $800,000 grant provided to Rockford Area CVB was a key determining factor in IRONMAN 70.3 deciding to head to Rockford. The grant funds will be used to support race day operations. The IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 Triathlon Series is the world’s premier full-distance and half-distance triathlon series consisting of over 150 qualifying races in over 50 countries, regions and territories across the world.
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