The Chicago Park District is proud to announce the opening of all outdoor and indoor pools for the start of the 2024 summer beaches and pools season due to strong seasonal lifeguard hiring. This year, due in large part to launching the “Your Perfect Summer Job” hiring campaign four months earlier than in 2023, and the creation of a new stipend-based Lifeguard Explorer Training Program, the Park District will offer a 6-day operational schedule for all indoor and outdoor pools. The regular Summer Pool Season will kick off earlier than 2023 and run through Labor Day, September 2nd. Summer pool schedules will be in effect starting on June 17th and can be viewed here. Pool hours will primarily run from11 a.m. to 7 p.m. with the majority of the pools being open on weekends. Opening the 22 beaches along the lakefront was the first phase of the beaches and pools season which started on May 24th. All beaches, including the Humboldt Park Beach, are staffed and open daily, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., through Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd. Beach goers can also access information on swim status by checking the flags at each beach and by visiting Admission to Chicago’s beaches is free during the summer.
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Cultura Latina
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