Saint Anthony Hospital Providing Relief to Community Members Most in Need During Record Heat

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Saint Anthony Hospital gave out nearly 2,000 water bottles per day to keep West and Southwest side residents hydrated during this record heatwave in Chicago. Utilizing a refrigerated trailer to bring water to the most vulnerable populations, Saint Anthony Hospital is trying to do its part by visiting shelters, community centers, and tent encampments in its service area.  “Unfortunately, there are a lot of people, including many of our own patients, that don’t have access to air conditioning or cold water, and it makes this weather not only extremely uncomfortable, but also very dangerous,” said Saint Anthony Hospital President and CEO, Guy A. Medaglia. “Saint Anthony Hospital is a community-centric organization and when we can help outside our hospital doors, we will.” Saint Anthony Hospital handed out water last weekend at several locations, including Franciscan Outreach, A Safe Haven, and Garfield Park Community Center. For safety tips during this intense temperature, Saint Anthony Hospital recommends the following ways to avoid overheating:

• Stay properly hydrated by drinking 1 cup of water every 20 minutes

• When outside, stay in the shaded areas and avoid physical activity

• If air conditioning isn’t accessible, keep shades and blinds closed, and only keep windows slightly opened

• Utilize a microwave or cold meals instead of using the stove and oven

• Wear light colored, loose, breathable clothing

• Take cool showers and baths

• Apply cold water or ice to the wrists, neck, chest, and temples

For more information on Saint Anthony Hospital, please go to or call them at 773-484-1000.

Photo Credit: Saint Anthony Hospital

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