Burlington Stores, Inc., the national discount retailer offering low prices every day on brand name merchandise for the entire family and home, is excited to launch its eighth annual in-store fundraising campaign with the award-winning national nonprofit, AdoptAClassroom.org®. Funds raised will go to local high-needs classrooms nationwide, giving deserving students much-needed classroom materials to help them learn and succeed. Last year, Burlington and its customers raised more than $1.6 million for AdoptAClassroom.org, bringing their seven-year partnership total to more than $12.3 million, supporting over 1.3 million students in store communities nationwide to date. “At AdoptAClassroom.org, we firmly believe that every child deserves the tools and materials they need to learn and thrive in school,” said Ann Pifer, executive director, AdoptAClassroom.org. “We’re grateful for our partnership with Burlington, which provides teachers with funds they need to purchase classroom supplies so their students can reach their full potential.” The AdoptAClassroom campaign will run through August 26th. Customers can round up their purchase or select a donation amount at checkout at any Burlington store nationwide to help equip students in their community with the classroom supplies they need the most. To find a store near you, visit www.Burlington.com. To learn more about AdoptAClassroom.org, visit www.adoptaclassroom.org.
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