By Daniel Nardini
Why has Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for so long been able to dodge a legal bullet that should have killed him? Why was he able to not face the consequences of impeachment after he and his fanatical followers staged an insurrection to overturn the whole political process of certifying the President of the United States three years ago? Why have we seen Trump avoid court battles that could have taken him out of the whole campaign trial til now (with one notable exception)? The answer has been obvious all along. The powerful elite within the Republican Party has put the party’s resources, campaign expertise and prominent conservative news media into play to keep Trump in the race and out of trouble. Considering his to put it mildly colorful past that has been easier said than done. Will his dirty past catch up to him in the months to come before the election? You can be sure that the most powerful people in the Republican Party will keep a lid on it as long as their hand-picked man does what they want (although, like everything else, nothing is guaranteed).
But now they are worried that the Democratic Party has become a newly revitalized force that can defeat Trump. And the momentum is now on the side of the Democrat’s pick for president. Trump is too old. He is 78, and how long can he last on what has become a brutal campaign trail? He is slurring his words, he is forgetting people he once knew well in his past, and is showing even more bizarre behavior than in the past. He looks like he is moving much slower, and he has become less coherent than he was just a few years before. With Biden out of the race, the Republican elites are quaking in their shoes. They face an entirely new campaign that they are unlikely to win. Yes, the Republican elites have been able to deftly co-op Trump’s fanatical followers which gave them a powerful boost in the polls. With Democratic opponent Kamala Harris now in the race, and her building up an equally powerful base of fanatical followers, this will now be a political life and death battle between two extreme forces that will not only engulf this country during the presidential election but will engulf the country long, long after it is over. And sadly it is an America now ruled by the powerful political elites who now call all of the shots rather than the electorate as in elections past.
This is an America I no longer recognize. It has become an America where a select few powerful people can make the decisions for all Americans at will. The primaries now have no meaning—their actions to win have now damaged our institutions for at least a generation. In the end, all they care about is winning. The principles that guide our democracy are being knocked down as “inconvenient.” And how long will it be before the whole of the U.S. Constitution is knocked because it is inconvenient? The major problem is that both ruling parties now want total, complete and virtually unlimited power, and want to make the office of the president the single most powerful institution so they can reshape America in their image. The political center is now giving way to extremism from both the political right and the political left. Which one will win remains to be seen. But is has become a winner take all approach and no prisoners taken attitude. I gravely worry about the future of this country. On a personal note, I will no longer deal with either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. I will throw in my support for the independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Throughout my whole life I have believed in principle, and I will die by that same reasoning. The principles of the U.S. Constitution is what built this country, and I wish to see this country live by those principles rather than the rule of a few powerful, privileged elites who think democracy is a catch phrase.
Rule by the Elites
By Daniel Nardini
But now they are worried that the Democratic Party has become a newly revitalized force that can defeat Trump. And the momentum is now on the side of the Democrat’s pick for president. Trump is too old. He is 78, and how long can he last on what has become a brutal campaign trail? He is slurring his words, he is forgetting people he once knew well in his past, and is showing even more bizarre behavior than in the past. He looks like he is moving much slower, and he has become less coherent than he was just a few years before. With Biden out of the race, the Republican elites are quaking in their shoes. They face an entirely new campaign that they are unlikely to win. Yes, the Republican elites have been able to deftly co-op Trump’s fanatical followers which gave them a powerful boost in the polls. With Democratic opponent Kamala Harris now in the race, and her building up an equally powerful base of fanatical followers, this will now be a political life and death battle between two extreme forces that will not only engulf this country during the presidential election but will engulf the country long, long after it is over. And sadly it is an America now ruled by the powerful political elites who now call all of the shots rather than the electorate as in elections past.
This is an America I no longer recognize. It has become an America where a select few powerful people can make the decisions for all Americans at will. The primaries now have no meaning—their actions to win have now damaged our institutions for at least a generation. In the end, all they care about is winning. The principles that guide our democracy are being knocked down as “inconvenient.” And how long will it be before the whole of the U.S. Constitution is knocked because it is inconvenient? The major problem is that both ruling parties now want total, complete and virtually unlimited power, and want to make the office of the president the single most powerful institution so they can reshape America in their image. The political center is now giving way to extremism from both the political right and the political left. Which one will win remains to be seen. But is has become a winner take all approach and no prisoners taken attitude. I gravely worry about the future of this country. On a personal note, I will no longer deal with either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. I will throw in my support for the independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Throughout my whole life I have believed in principle, and I will die by that same reasoning. The principles of the U.S. Constitution is what built this country, and I wish to see this country live by those principles rather than the rule of a few powerful, privileged elites who think democracy is a catch phrase.