VNA Health Care, the largest Community Health Center in the Chicago suburbs, received a $500,000 grant in the FY2025 Illinois State Budget to expand their Indian Avenue clinic in Aurora, which was obtained by Assistant House Majority Leader Barbara Hernandez and State Senator Karina Villa. The grant will help fund VNA’s plans to expand the clinic by 10,000 square feet and renovate 6,500 square feet of existing space. The expansion will increase the total number of exam rooms to 47, expand the wellness kitchen, and create a play area for young children to wait while their parents attend their own medical visits. It will also allow VNA’s Women, Infants and Children (WIC) services to be relocated to the Indian Avenue clinic and provide co- location with services focused on young families. Like at all of VNA’s locations, at the renovated Indian Avenue location, patients will be able to access health care services regardless of insurance status or ability to pay, as well as Spanish language care through bilingual team members and language translation services. To further increase access, the clinic also has regular evening and weekend hours, and offers same-day and walk-in appointments. The expansion will allow VNA to meet the health care needs for more Aurora residents, particularly children and young families, who often have reduced access to care.
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