A Barrington man pleaded guilty to child pornography charges following a Sheriff’s Police Internet Crimes Against Children Unit (ICAC) investigation last year, Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart announced. In June of 2023, ICAC Investigators arrested 50-year-old Anthony Demonte after they found he downloaded and shared sexually explicit videos and images of children under the age of 13 via social media. At the time, search warrants executed for a social media account belonging to Demonte confirmed it contained files of child pornography. Additionally, a completed forensic analysis on his cell phone revealed he solicited several pornographic videos of underage boys and girls engaging in sexual conduct with other children and adults. Demonte appeared at the Rolling Meadows Courthouse and pleaded guilty to Solicitation of Child Pornography. He was ordered to serve his 8 year sentence in the Illinois Department of Corrections. Demonte will be required to serve three years of mandatory supervised release and must register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Since 2020, investigations by the Sheriff’s ICAC Unit have led to charges against 49 individuals for cases involving the victimization of children and child pornography.
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