The Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) is proud to honor the contributions of workers across the State this Labor Day and highlight the important work IDOL staff does every day to ensure the rights, wages, welfare and working conditions of Illinois workers. “Each year on Labor Day, the Illinois Department of Labor recognizes the critical importance of all workers to our communities and recommits itself to safeguarding workers’ core rights, including the rights to be paid promised wages, provided basic meal and rest breaks and days off, and to come home safely at the end of the day,” said Illinois Department of Labor Director Jane Flanagan. The annual Labor Day Report is a glimpse at the victories won by IDOL staff for workers in Illinois. From recovered wages to advocating for workers who have lost their jobs, the report highlights several cases across all IDOL divisions and many of the laws enforced by the agency. Over the past year, Illinois has welcomed tens of thousands of immigrants, many of whom are vulnerable to labor exploitation. To support this population, IDOL has partnered with community groups in Chicago to educate new arrivals about their rights under State labor laws. Through these partnerships, over 30 presentations have helped to reach over 1,000 individuals. Read the IDOL Labor Day Report 2024 at
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