Presidential Candidate Rachele Fruit: ‘We need to build a party of Labor’

By: Ashmar Mandou

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local NewsSocialist Workers Party Candidate for U.S. President Rachele Fruit, 74, is no stranger to lending a voice to social justice issues. From participating in movements like protesting against the Vietnam War, the apartheid in South Africa, and championing the Women’s Liberation movement, Fruit has always been front and center advocating for basic human rights. “I was part of the generation that grew up in the Jim Crowe era,” said Fruit. “I began to participate in social justice movements since my teenage years and I learned to fight where you can. You realize there is something deeper going on here. Through all those experiences I was convinced that we need to replace capitalism with socialism. We need to break from these two parties that no longer serve our best interest.”

Running on a social platform since the 1970s, Fruit once again threw your name into the ring during the ongoing Israel/Palestinian conflict. “The attack on Israel is what pushed me to run because there is a need to address the rise in antisemitism and hatred. Israel has a right to protect themselves and a right to exist as a refuge for Jews.” Fruit, who recently paid a visit to the Chicago neighborhoods of Pullman and Pilsen, is focused on promoting her central issue which is labor rights. She recently called for a party of labor based on the trade unions, one that would organize all working people to fight in their class interests. “To be in Chicago during Labor Day weekend was so exciting to me to see family stand up for their unions. We are for unionizing all workers, we are for fighting for fair wages, we are for safety on the job,” said Fruit. “It’s important that we break away from the Democratic and Republican parties because they do not serve our needs anymore. They no longer represent the working class. They have a monopoly on this country, and we need to assert our independence,” Fruit concluded. Below are just a few of Fruit’s platforms:

Fair Wages: Fruit is an advocate for raising the minimum wage to a living wage that allows all workers to support themselves and their families without struggling to make ends meet.

End Corporate Influence in Politics: Fruit is committed to overturning Citizens United and eliminating the corrupting influence of big money in politics. They advocate for publicly funded elections to ensure that politicians are accountable to the people, not wealthy donors.

Protect Workers’ Rights: Fruit stands in solidarity with labor unions and will work to strengthen workers’ rights, including the right to organize, collectively bargain, and strike without fear of retaliation.

Healthcare for All: Fruit believes that healthcare is a human right, not a privilege. She vows to fight for a single-payer, universal healthcare system that provides comprehensive coverage to every American.

To learn more about Socialist Workers Party Candidate for U.S. President Rachele Fruit, visit

Photo Credit: Office of Socialist Workers Party Candidate for U.S. President Rachele

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