The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is reminding the public that along with fall, October brings the start of the traditional respiratory virus season. The department is urging Illinoisans to use the proven tools that can safeguard them from illnesses that typically surge during the fall and winter, including COVID-19, flu and RSV. This includes getting vaccinated to protect yourself and your family for those viral diseases if you are eligible. The Department has upgraded its Seasonal Respiratory Illness Dashboard and has posted two new FAQ documents on its website providing the latest guidance on vaccinations and how to get tested and treated for these seasonal illnesses. In addition, the CDC has created a new Respiratory Illness Data Channel that provides nationwide county specific information that would valuable for anyone planning to travel out of state. Public health leaders also stress that one of the best ways to reduce transmission of viruses is to stay home when you are sick to reduce transmission to others. Anyone with respiratory symptoms – such as coughing, a runny nose, or fever – should try to self-isolate from others, unless they need to seek medical care. If you cannot self-isolate, wear a well-fitted mask around others. For those who don’t have healthcare coverage through a private plan, Medicare, or Medicaid, IDPH operates the Vaccines for Children Program, which provides vaccines at no cost for children 18 and under. Adults without insurance have several options. They can check with their local health department or contact a free and charitable clinic or a Community Health Center. For more information, visit,
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