The Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, under the leadership of Clerk Iris Y. Martinez, invites community members, law enforcement, advocates, and legal professionals to attend the final session of its “Train the Trainer” workshop series on Protective Orders. This essential workshop will be held at the Chicago Police Headquarters, 3510 S. Michigan Ave., on Friday, October 25, 2024, from 10 am to 12 noon, 1st. floor. In light of the rising rates of domestic violence, this workshop aims to equip attendees with comprehensive knowledge and resources on how to support victims and navigate the legal system regarding Protective Orders. Domestic violence affects millions of individuals annually, and the statistics in Illinois reflect a growing need for proactive measures. The workshop will also spotlight critical legislative efforts, including “Karina’s Bill,” which addresses the timely removal of firearms when serving Orders of Protection. “Since the opening of our Domestic Violence Survivor Center in October of 2023 over 750 orders of protections have been filed in Cook County alone. Addressing the audience as well will be Judges Judith Rice, Judge Regina Scannicchio and Commissioners Alma Anya and Kevin Morrison. “This is an issue that requires collaboration from all sectors—law enforcement, advocates, and legal professionals. By training those on the front lines, we are taking concrete steps toward a safer community for all,” said Clerk Martinez.
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