State Senator Celina Villanueva recently announced that $424,368 in total has been granted to the Aquinas Literacy Center, Instituto del Progreso Latino, Touch Gift Foundation, and Universidad Popular’s adult and family literacy programs. “This funding is crucial as literacy programs empower residents to advocate for themselves,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “Supporting these programs, specifically in underserved communities, supports not only education but health, social connections and job readiness, all of which lead to a stronger, more stable community.” The grants were awarded by Illinois Secretary of State and State Librarian Alexi Giannoulias, who has awarded nearly $22 million for library services and $6 million for literacy programs throughout the state. The goal of these grants is to enhance online catalogues, support day-to-day operations, expand interlibrary loan programs and equip vision-impaired individuals with narrations of newspaper content. The literacy grants are designed to promote basic reading, math, writing and English language skills. “Equipping our libraries with the resources they need to increase services and expand offerings is essential to enhancing the accessibility of learning materials for all Illinois residents regardless of their geographic location, accessibility needs, income status or educational level,” Giannoulias said. “Meanwhile, increasing the state’s literacy level results in opportunities for individual success and makes communities stronger.” A full list of grantees can be found at
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