Ruth Bader Ginsburg Elementary School, previously known as Columbus Elementary School, celebrated its new name Friday morning with a banner unveiling that displays the school’s new identity. Chicago Public Schools CEO Pedro Martinez, City and school leaders, as well as students, including two alums who led the renaming effort, gathered to commemorate the occasion at the CPS elementary school in Ukrainian Village. Ginsburg, who had both Jewish and Ukrainian roots, was the second woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court, having been nominated in 1993 by President Bill Clinton. Throughout her distinguished legal career, she held various positions, including roles at the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, the Columbia Law School Project, Rutgers University School of Law, the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). During the June 2023 Board of Education meeting, Board members approved an updated policy regarding the “Naming or Renaming of a School, Mascot, Logo, Learning Environment, and Physical Marker.” This policy emphasizes diversity and inclusion, ensuring that name changes reflect the values and contributions of Chicago’s diverse communities. In June 2024, the Board of Education approved the renaming of three elementary schools. James Monroe Elementary has been renamed Logan Square Elementary, Melville Fuller Elementary has been renamed James Farmer, Jr. Elementary, and finally, Christopher Columbus Elementary has been renamed Ruth Bader Ginsburg Elementary.
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