Governor JB Pritzker has proclaimed November Adoption Awareness Month, and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is celebrating the lifelong commitment thousands of families across the state have made by opening their hearts and homes to 19,347 children who have needed a loving family in the past decade. Courtrooms across the state are also opening their doors to finalize the adoptions during special Adoption Day celebrations on November 22 in Chicago and Marion, November 23 in Rockford and December 27 in Edwardsville. Last fiscal year 2,184 Illinois children were adopted into permanent, loving families. There are 18,850 youth in care waiting for a family and place to call home. To learn more about some of them, visit the Heart Gallery of Illinois at For more information about becoming an adoptive parent, visit and click on “Loving Homes” then on “Become a Foster or Adoptive Parent.” Adoption is a serious and permanent commitment to a child. DCFS offers a range of supports to adoptive families, including reimbursement for attorney fees and court costs, a monthly subsidy, a medical card and other benefits which assist in defraying expenses associated with raising a child. Many considering adoption become licensed foster families first, giving them a better understanding of the needs of children from disrupted families before making a life-changing decision.
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