Stay Warm During the Frosty Months

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Chicago is feeling the winter chill this December. CDPH urges all Chicagoans to keep yourself safe and warm throughout these frosty months.  Here are some tips for precautions to take to keep yourself toasty: 

• Wear several layers of loose, warm clothing, paying special attention to keeping your head, ears, hands and feet warm. 

• It may sound obvious, but wear a hat, scarf, and gloves.
• Stay as dry as possible – being wet makes your body lose heat much faster than normal. 

• Drink warm beverages to help your body stay warm.  

• Avoid alcoholic beverages, as alcohol dilates blood vessels, which makes the body lose heat faster. 

• Use caution when using electric heaters and keep them clear of clothing and blankets.  

• Gas ovens and burners should never be used to heat your home. 

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