Villa Furthers Language Equity Initiative

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

A measure championed by State Senator Karina Villa, securing language assistance during state agency administrative hearings passed the Senate on Wednesday with support from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. “Maneuvering government procedures can be overwhelming and difficult, especially when a language barrier is present,” said Villa (D-West Chicago). “Building upon the Language Equity and Access Act that was signed into law in August, this will ensure that every Illinois resident has the same degree of access during hearings, regardless of their proficiency in English.” House Bill 5172 would require state agencies to provide competent and accurate interpretive assistance for self-represented and low-income individuals with limited English proficiency during any stage of a substantive administrative hearing. Residents interact with agencies when they file their taxes, apply for a business or professional license and more. This measure would ensure that individuals who need language assistance are properly informed and have a critical understanding about the procedures they are undergoing. House Bill 5172 now heads to the governor for further consideration.

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