ComEd and Nicor Gas Team Up to Offer Advanced Certifications to Local Contractors Focused on Energy Efficiency

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

ComEd and Nicor Gas are collaborating to provide advanced energy efficiency certification opportunities to recent graduates of the utilities’ Market Development Initiative (MDI) programs. MDI is an educational offering designed to provide training and advanced certifications for new and experienced professionals in the growing energy efficiency, with a focus on local and diverse individuals and entrepreneurs. The Building Performance Institute (BPI) certifications will allow home performance professionals to conduct energy modeling, building analysis and data evaluation services so that they can provide more thorough improvement recommendations. The certification will allow the participants to better compete in the energy efficiency industry. MDI participants who achieved BPI certifications in Building Science Principles (BSP) and Building Analyst Technician (BA-T) through ComEd or Nicor Gas MDIs have been invited to further enhance their expertise by earning the prestigious Building Professional (BA-P) credential. Visit and to learn more about MDI offerings and future energy efficiency workforce trainings.

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