Giannoulias Announces IDs in Apple Wallet Will Be Coming to Illinois

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

The Illinois Secretary of State‘s office is working to bring IDs in Apple Wallet to Illinois residents in the future with the goal of launching by the end of the year, Secretary Alexi Giannoulias announced on Monday. This capability will enable residents to seamlessly and securely add and present their driver’s licenses and state IDs in person and in apps using their iPhone or Apple Watch. The news follows the legislation that took effect at the beginning of the year, which enabled the Secretary of State’s office to begin this work. The plan includes robust testing requirements to ensure the office delivers the most secure and private product for Illinois residents, Giannoulias said. The office has set up a sign-up page for Illinoisans to receive updates about the mobile driver’s license and state ID program and when IDs in Apple Wallet will become available for users. Anyone interested can visit to sign up.

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