By Daniel Nardini
I am horrified that current U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order releasing 1,500 convicted felons who were responsible for the January 6, 2021 insurrection for stopping the certification of the ballot process for the president of the United States. This act was rightfully condemned, and any pardon of these people should likewise be rightfully condemned. But before the Democratic Party claims any moral high ground, I also condemn former U.S. President Joe Biden’s pardon of the former prisoner Leonard Peltier for the murder of two FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) agents back in 1975. While Peltier will remain under house arrest and spend the rest of his life (at age 80 it will not be much longer I hope) at his home, apparently no thought was given to the families of the FBI agents who were killed. What is not mentioned is that Peltier was guilty of other violent crimes after the murder of the two FBI agents.
So, for political reasons all of these people were set free? They committed violent, heinous crimes that would have seen the rest of us stay in prison for years or even decades. But because they became cause celebrities to either the political right or the political left they deserve to be pardoned and enjoy life while their victims are dead or badly injured for life? What about the police who guarded the capital building from these extremist right wing insurrectionists who were prepared to overthrow the whole election process? What about Leonard Peltier who had committed terrible crimes in the name of the American Indian Movement? Did he order the assassination of American Indian Movement leader Annie Mae Aquash? We may never know, but he was involved in other violent crimes and was a fugitive from justice when he escaped from prison in a violent episode in 1979. Ironically, Peltier became a cause celebrity for the political left. Prominent people like Nelson Mandela, and the Reverend Jesse Jackson among others called for his release. Just as equally ironic was that he was the vice-presidential candidate for the Party for Socialism and Liberation alongside the presidential candidate Gloria La Riva in the 2020 presidential election.
Because all of these people were “fighting” for either a left wing or right wing cause they deserved a get-out-or-jail card for their crimes. I’m sorry, but NO. I just find our country becoming a sad place where crimes are now becoming permissible if it benefits the ruling elites or powerful political movements. In my own personal case, I have never committed a violent, heinous crime that would have and should have put me in prison. I am far from being an angel, and I am equally far from being a criminal. We now have a president who is a criminal—convicted of 34 felonies. Biden pardoned someone who was responsible for the murder of U.S. government employees. Peltier executed them at point-blank range in the head. Our country truly is a mess, and it all goes back to my point that the whole presidential pardon process needs to be overhauled and properly vetted. One rule of thumb is that those who deserve a pardon should be those convicted of non-violent crimes that are truly non-violent. Those guilty of violent crimes should get no consideration except in unusual cases of self-defense or being threatened with extreme violence and unable to escape from harm.
What both Trump and Biden have done is appeal to their base. What they have done is say that violence and crimes against the innocent is acceptable as long as it is for their cause. None of this is acceptable, and none of it should be. All those who were involved in the insurrection of January 6th, should not be welcomed in any state, especially the blue states. They should not go back to their lives as usual, and should be barred from government benefits for their crimes. Peltier has been given more peace of mind than he should have. President Trump has called this the beginning of a “golden age.” In my view, a golden age does not begin like this.
Releasing Criminals for Political Reasons
By Daniel Nardini
So, for political reasons all of these people were set free? They committed violent, heinous crimes that would have seen the rest of us stay in prison for years or even decades. But because they became cause celebrities to either the political right or the political left they deserve to be pardoned and enjoy life while their victims are dead or badly injured for life? What about the police who guarded the capital building from these extremist right wing insurrectionists who were prepared to overthrow the whole election process? What about Leonard Peltier who had committed terrible crimes in the name of the American Indian Movement? Did he order the assassination of American Indian Movement leader Annie Mae Aquash? We may never know, but he was involved in other violent crimes and was a fugitive from justice when he escaped from prison in a violent episode in 1979. Ironically, Peltier became a cause celebrity for the political left. Prominent people like Nelson Mandela, and the Reverend Jesse Jackson among others called for his release. Just as equally ironic was that he was the vice-presidential candidate for the Party for Socialism and Liberation alongside the presidential candidate Gloria La Riva in the 2020 presidential election.
Because all of these people were “fighting” for either a left wing or right wing cause they deserved a get-out-or-jail card for their crimes. I’m sorry, but NO. I just find our country becoming a sad place where crimes are now becoming permissible if it benefits the ruling elites or powerful political movements. In my own personal case, I have never committed a violent, heinous crime that would have and should have put me in prison. I am far from being an angel, and I am equally far from being a criminal. We now have a president who is a criminal—convicted of 34 felonies. Biden pardoned someone who was responsible for the murder of U.S. government employees. Peltier executed them at point-blank range in the head. Our country truly is a mess, and it all goes back to my point that the whole presidential pardon process needs to be overhauled and properly vetted. One rule of thumb is that those who deserve a pardon should be those convicted of non-violent crimes that are truly non-violent. Those guilty of violent crimes should get no consideration except in unusual cases of self-defense or being threatened with extreme violence and unable to escape from harm.
What both Trump and Biden have done is appeal to their base. What they have done is say that violence and crimes against the innocent is acceptable as long as it is for their cause. None of this is acceptable, and none of it should be. All those who were involved in the insurrection of January 6th, should not be welcomed in any state, especially the blue states. They should not go back to their lives as usual, and should be barred from government benefits for their crimes. Peltier has been given more peace of mind than he should have. President Trump has called this the beginning of a “golden age.” In my view, a golden age does not begin like this.